Brianna Hawthorne has been a tree farm laborer, a choir director, a restaurant worker, and a telemarketer. (She lasted one day and may be the only person in history to call some poor woman in Alaska and say, “Hi, welcome to Hardees! May I take your order please?) Thankfully she soon landed a job as a transportation planner, but was caught in a wave of layoffs, so she started over as a small business computer support worker, a printing specialist, computer help desk technician, a firewall and server administrator, computer security manager, an emergency preparedness coordinator, and now, finally, an author. It’s been an interesting ride…
On her journey toward learning that she is happiest working for herself instead of for other people, she created her very own universe, and so Shiral and then Lumina were born.
She has now inherited the tree farm she grew up working on, Ganderhawk Forest, and has dedicated much of her life to preserving not only it, but any forest land that she has any influence over. Her book sale proceeds go toward preserving Ganderhawk Forest, as it won’t really be a money earning property for another 30 or more years. In all honesty, it is a forest preserve, and hopefully will continue to be so for generations to come.
In her spare time she loves listening to music, learning more about ancient history, keeping up with the newest discoveries in physics, and working in her organic garden. And of course writing!